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A pop-up is a graphical user interface ( GUI ) display area, usually a small window, that suddenly appears ("pops up") in the foreground of the visual interface. Pop-ups can be initiated by a single or double mouse click or rollover (sometimes called a mouseover), and also possibly by voice command or can simply be timed to occur. A pop-up window must be smaller than the background window or interface; otherwise, it's a replacement interface.

What I have done is an example of a little "pop_up" solution which allows you to set different log levels with color, informing the user about the website activity.

this is my first task asked from my teacher to show my first steps in the JavaScript world.


This little popup uses the material design Responsive in pourcentage, pixels,em etc. Basically, it makes more liberal use of grid-based layouts, responsive animations and transitions, padding, and depth effects such as lighting and shadows.

For instance, this little popup "appear" is made through differents attributes called box-shadow, position, bottom, min-width, max-width, padding-left, text-align, background and background-color.

talking about the material design Responsive (%) Transition C553 Pop up qui ne bloque pas la page

This popup is a transposition of the PHP Psr-3 logger interface but for client side.

§ Learning Theme

§ Pattern Module

§ context d'execution (modifier le this)

§ Evenement

§ Fonction executée imédiatement...


Basic usage for this component.





AnthonyMoulin Copyright (c) 2017 All rights reserved.